Certifications of the STRABAG PFS Group

Quality is very important to us. Our STRABAG PFS companies are either DIN-certified and/or meet the relevant country-specific quality standards.
Image of a hand making a certification and pressing a stamp on a sheet of paper © chaylek - stock.adobe.com
© chaylek - stock.adobe.com
  • Quality management
    Image of a group of people holding gears together on a table © Andrey Popov - stock.adobe.com

    Quality management

    Quality assurance is not just about customer satisfaction. The holistic approach of our integrated customer and process-oriented quality management based on DIN EN ISO 9001 includes all organisational units and processes in an overall system and serves the continuous control and improvement of quality. Internal and external audits serve to monitor our high quality standards.
  • Environmental management
  • Occupational health and safety management system
    Image of protective work equipment © Rawf8 - stock.adobe.com

    Occupational health and safety management system

    The Occupational health and safety management system involves the implementation of processes and measures to ensure our employees health and safety at work. ISO 45001:2018 specifies the requirements for an occupational health and safety management system and provides guidance for its application to enable organisations to create safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injuries and illnesses and proactively improving their occupational health and safety performance. STRABAG PFS demonstrates its commitment to occupational health and safety with its DIN EN ISO 45001 certification.
  • Energy management
    Picture of a power line and two employees from the frog's perspective © tong2530 - stock.adobe.com

    Energy management

    With an energy management system certified to ISO 50001, STRABAG PFS is committed the continuously reducing its own operational energy consumption over the long term and optimising energy use for its customers. A declared goal of our sustainable real estate management is the reduction of energy consumption.

Certificates of the STRABAG PFS Group