Sustainability & Responsibility

Part of something big
ESG - What is that?
- Environmental refers to all aspects of environmental protection in connection with business activities. This includes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the careful use of natural resources, the minimisation of waste and responsibility towards biodiversity.
- Social encompasses the companys social impact, both internally and externally. This includes occupational health and safety, the need to strengthen equity and diversity within the company and social responsibility.
- Governance refers to the principles and structures that ensure responsible and transparent corporate management. This includes compliance with ethical principles, ensuring integrity and transparency in decision-making processes and taking into account the interests of all stakeholder groups.
And what do we do?

E ▸ Environment
Avoiding emissions and operating in a circular economy
The focus here is on avoiding, reducing and minimising emissions. Emissions arise either directly from the combustion of fuels, as a result of the conversion of energy sources into electricity or heat, or indirectly as a result of processes associated with our work. For a sustainable circular economy, we must use goods that have already been produced for as long as possible or focus on recycling them for our business processes. As a service provider, around 80% of our emissions are caused by the services we provide, such as our service fleet. Only around 20% of emissions are caused by our office locations.
- Environmental management at STRABAG PFS (ISO 14001)
- Reduction in energy consumption and emissions through digital applications that keep a close eye on and control energy use automatically
- Implementation of the Group's photovoltaic initiative at our company headquarters (planning, installation, maintenance and operation)
- Conversion of our entire service fleet to electric vehicles by 2030 (approx. 1,300 vehicles)
- Promoting sustainable business travel using public transport and avoiding domestic flights
- Switch to sustainable office supplies. We have been using more than 80% recycled paper since 2023
- Promotion of climate-friendly commuting with bicycle leasing, including a pro rata employer subsidy, already being used by 250 employees (as of 09/2024)

S ▸ Social
Our employees are our most important resource
We assume social responsibility as part of our business activities and want to make a positive contribution to society and the environment. We are committed to fair working conditions, the protection of human rights and the promotion of diversity and inclusion. The physical and mental health and safety of our employees is another our top priority for us as well. Our employees are our greatest asset.
- Our social compliance management system enables us to manage, implement and further develop social and human rights due diligence obligations
- We stand for equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) - for equal opportunities and appreciation of our employees
- Quality management with determination of customer and stakeholder satisfaction (ISO 9001)
- We focus on employee safety and occupational health management, including health weeks, sporting events and training courses
- Employees are offered a variouty of benefits including store discounts and improved conditions at fitness studios for example as well as bicycle leasing, referral programmes for new employees, advice and subsidies, for example for electricity and gas, travel costs, mobile phone contracts and the company pension scheme
- Promotion of targeted training and development of our employees, for example through training courses on occupational safety and sustainability
- Appointment of human rights officers and signing of human rights declarations
- Establishment of a management system (sustainability including GRC) for business partners (ISO 9001/ISO 37301)
Our social projects
Further information on STRABAG's employee focus: Our promise

G ▸ Governance
Corporate responsibility
Governance is the structured framework within which a company is managed and monitored. Our goal is corporate governance that acts transparently and ethically, operates lawfully, defines responsibilities and takes into account the interests of all stakeholders. We are aware of our social responsibility, including the factors influencing people, nature and our business - along the entire value chain in the interest of fair competition.
- Integrity and ethical corporate governance and monitoring
- Legally compliant and ethical behaviour as a business partner, contractor and employer recorded in the Business Compliance Management System [in German] (ISO 37301)
- Anti-bribery measures (ISO 37001)
- Compliance with the STRABAG Code of Conduct, which defines our basic social principles and forms the basis for human rights-compliant behaviour
- Anonymous whistleblower system as a secure platform for reporting suspected violations of applicable laws and internal Group regulations by STRABAG and/or its employees
- Fair competition through management directives and mandatory training at all hierarchical levels
- Responsible handling of information (ISO 27000)
- CSRD reporting obligation as part of the Groups consolidated sustainability report
Certified by independent third parties
More information about our certifications in quality, environmental, energy management and occupational health and safety is available at Certifications. We are proud of the following awards:

Compliance with German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).
We work with a large number of suppliers, service providers and partners to implement our services. Compliance with human rights and fair working conditions along the supply chain is a high priority for us. More information can be found under Procurement.

On our way to climate-neutral building operations - eco2solutions
With our green and sustainable eco2solutions service portfolio, we offer our customers a wide range of innovative and individual solutions to bring property and facility management into harmony with the environment. Let us transform your property today for a sustainable building tomorrow.
Learn more